I do not know if this is the case for other people but on my rasberry, sometimes I do not have the http access to domoticz webpage. The only solution is to connect on the ssh server and restart domoticz or completely the raspberry. This may cause problem is you are not at home and if you do not have access to ssh to your raspberry. In that case , the only solution is to wait to go back to home… 🙁
After some research in the logs and not domoticz Rasperry i did not find the root cause of the the crash. I see that the domoticz logs continues as if nothing happened but the web server still not answering. This happens quite frequently, about 3-4 times a month.
To avoid this problem I created a small script which will regularly test the http access to domoticz and if it found http connection problem the script will restart domoticz. Realy siple script but I think it can be helpfull for someone having the same issue…
To be added in the root crontab :
# Check http access
*/2 * * * * /root/scripts/test_http.sh >> /tmp/test_http_access.log
Script to be created : /root/scripts/test_http.sh
# This script will test the domoticz http web access
# test connexion with max 5s
curl -s http://<raspberry IP>:<PORT> -m 5 > /dev/null
if [ $CR != 0 ]
echo "`date` Probleme RC=$CR"
echo "Restarting Domoticz"
/etc/init.d/domoticz.sh restart
echo "`date` RAS code retour $CR "
I set up this script several months ago, since no problem. I can see the errors in the log file and restart the domoticz:
root@raspberrypi:~# grep -v RAS /tmp/test_http_access.log
Thu May 14 20:48:07 CEST 2015 Probleme RC=28
Restarting Domoticz
Restarting Domoticz Home Automation System: domoticz2015-05-14 20:48:12.001 Domoticz V2.2286 (c)2012-2015 GizMoCuz
2015-05-14 20:48:12.002 System: Raspberry Pi
2015-05-14 20:48:12.002 Startup Path: /home/pi/domoticz/
Thu May 14 21:00:07 CEST 2015 Probleme RC=28
Restarting Domoticz
Restarting Domoticz Home Automation System: domoticz2015-05-14 21:00:12.116 Domoticz V2.2286 (c)2012-2015 GizMoCuz
2015-05-14 21:00:12.117 System: Raspberry Pi
2015-05-14 21:00:12.118 Startup Path: /home/pi/domoticz/
Thu May 14 21:32:01 CEST 2015 Probleme RC=7
Restarting Domoticz
Restarting Domoticz Home Automation System: domoticz2015-05-14 21:32:31.639 Domoticz V2.2286 (c)2012-2015 GizMoCuz
2015-05-14 21:32:31.640 System: Raspberry Pi
2015-05-14 21:32:31.641 Startup Path: /home/pi/domoticz/